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Why Recess is So Important to a Child’s Development


Why Recess is So Important to a Child’s Development

Scientific studies have concluded that recess is more important to a child’s development than was previously thought. This mid-day break is much more than just a break from mental concentration; it plays a role in many important areas. The following list explains some of the ways that recess can make a positive impact on a child’s development.

Improves Social Development

During class time, students are often told to look forward and not speak with their classmates. Although during instruction-time it may be a positive thing, kids need a break from that rigidity for several reasons. This is where recess comes into play. Recess allows students to speak with their friends and to begin communicating with other classmates as well. Through this interaction at recess, they begin to understand differences and similarities between people, question the world and learn to communicate better. For many students, recess is the time they feel comfortable enough to speak; the classroom can be a little intimidating for some children. With the supervision of teaching staff, children can practice and develop their social skills.

Promotes Healthy Weight

Children often don’t have the best diets. Staying active during the school day with recess can help children burn off extra calories and maintain a healthy weight. Being at a healthy weight even helps in injury recovery. Children are more prone to injury than adults, so maintaining a healthy weight is very important. Their bones are still developing, and too much body weight can have a negative effect on not only the child’s overall health but also the healing of any injuries they receive.

Develops Cognitive Skills

Looking at a playground will instantly show the many ways a child’s cognitive skills can be developed. Monkey bars, obstacle courses, and other playground equipment can easily demand that a child stop and think about how they’re going to use them for play. These types of actions help develop a child’s reasoning and problem-solving skills, to name a few. Scientific studies have shown that exposure to these activities during recess provides children with an increase in both attention span and interest in academic tasks.

Recess provides crucial time and activity for the development of a child’s body and mind. Through the right course of action and implementing the right techniques, a child can greatly benefit academically from this playtime during the school day.

Do you want to plan an extra special recess activity for your school? Contact us to set one up!

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